SVDC Covid Health & Safety Procedures
Please, do not come to the studio if you have a cough, fever or are sick.
Please, do not come to the studio if you have tested positive, or have had COVID-like symptoms, within the past 14 days.
Please, do not come to the studio if you had close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19, or has had COVID-like symptoms, within the past 14 days.
Please, do not come to the studio if you have traveled to an area where there are high amounts of COVID-19 cases,per the current PA.gov restrictions, for 14 days upon returning to Pennsylvania.
We reserve the right to take temperatures of anyone entering the studio using non-contact, infrared thermometers.
Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 ℉, or above, will be ask to leave the studio.
Students must come dressed and ready for class.
Students cannot change clothing anywhere within the studio.
Students should bring the absolute minimum inside the studio. Only their dance bag with shoes and necessary props.
Students can bring their own water with a resealable lid. No food is permitted in the waiting rooms.
No one is allowed in a dance room without the instructor. Unfortunately practice times will not be available.
Face Coverings
Due to Pennsylvania's Universal Face Coverings Order:
Everyone 2 years old, and older, must wear a face covering.
Face coverings include any mask, shield or covering of both the nose and mouth.
Students are not required to wear face coverings while actively engaged in dancing and performances that prevent the wearing of face coverings.
Faculty must wear face masks or shields during class.
Some instructors will require face coverings for the duration of class. Check your class portal for specific instructions.
Students can hang their face coverings on the individually numbered wall hooks that correspond with their "assigned" 6' x 6' marked social dis-DANCING area.
Students must wear face coverings while entering and exiting the dance rooms, bathroom and anytime 6 feet of social distancing is not possible and also across the floor.
Students who prefer to wear a face covering while actively engaged in dancing and performances should consider wearing a face shield instead of a face mask.
Lobby / Studio
The lobby / studio will be limited to students, faculty and staff.
All parents / guardians, siblings and family members must wait outside of the lobby / studio.
Everyone entering the lobby / studio must use hand sanitizer.
All lost and found items will be disposed of at the end of each business day.
Classes / Classrooms
Due to social dis-DANCING, individual class sizes will be smaller and available only on a first come, first served basis.
Classrooms will be disinfected between all classes including floors, barres, door knobs and equipment.
Students must abide by their "assigned" 6' x 6' marked social dis-DANCING area for that day's class.
Twinkle and Combination classes will receive prop bags with their tuition. They need to bring them to class every week.
Students should go to the restroom before coming into the building.
The restroom will be limited to students, faculty and staff.
All frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned after every class.
All classes on the first floor will enter and exit through the glass front door directly into the studio. Please stay on the sidewalk until the instructor calls you in.
Second and third floor classes will enter and exit the front double doors or the back door and wait in the waiting room.
Tuition / Payments
Tuition, payments and/or fees can be dropped off at the 2nd floor desk, during regular business hours, or paid online through the parent portal. Only one guest in the 2nd floor desk area at a time, please wait in the hall until called.
We recommend signing up for Auto-pay. You can register on the parent portal or inquire at the desk.
All tuition, payments costs and/or fees will not be prorated.
Dancewear / Attire
Dancewear and starter kits can be ordered through the store on the parent portal. Shoe size will be determined by the shoe conversion chart.
Everyone entering Saucon Valley Dance Conservatory must agree with, and follow, our COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan which may change at any time. If you have any questions, please email: info@sauconvalleydance.com
Last Updated: August 10, 2020